Monday, March 11, 2024

 Dear Disaster Diary,

A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation.
- J.F. Clarke

US climate envoy John Kerry on how climate will impact 2024 Elections.

Title: John Kerry's Climate Interview: A Call for Unvarnished Truth

Dear John,

As I watched your recent BBC interview on the impact of climate change on the 2024 elections, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment.

The conversation seemed to lack the raw honesty and urgency that the current climate crisis demands, especially for our younger generations who are grappling with escalating climate anxiety.

Allow me to illuminate the stark reality that seems to have been glossed over. A recent study published in The Lancet, drawing insights from 10,000 young individuals aged 16 to 25 worldwide, revealed a troubling truth: 45% of them reported that climate change is significantly impeding their daily lives and well-being. From eating and sleeping to concentrating and playing, the effects of climate change permeate every facet of their existence.

Yet, amidst this growing turmoil, where was your unfiltered truth?

It seems your political hat remained firmly in place, shielding you from the discomfort of confronting harsh realities. Let's peel back the layers and expose the inconvenient truths lurking beneath the surface.

Timecode: 06:44

Since the advent of the Trump administration in 2017, over 100 environmental rollbacks have been enacted, paving the way for a reckless pursuit of profit at the expense of our planet.

Conservative lobbyists gleefully championed the relaxation of regulations on tailpipe emissions and cheered for increased mercury emissions from coal power plants. They dismantled critical methane emission limits on public lands and turned a blind eye to the rampant pollution in our national parks and wilderness areas.

The consequences are dire, and the impending political landscape only exacerbates the peril.

With the possibility of conservative dominance in the House, Senate, and Presidency, the coastlines face an ominous fate. (The young would say: "The coast is toast")

Trump's cavalier policy changes, such as permitting the extraction of sand from protected ecosystems for coastal replenishment projects, epitomize the reckless disregard for environmental preservation.

But let's not stop there.

Enter "Project 2025," a sweeping Republican strategy poised to eviscerate regulations aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions, dismantle clean energy initiatives, and bolster fossil fuel production.

"As absurd as it may sound, the resurrection of asbestos could be on the horizon if it serves their agenda".

As an 80-year-old sage, John, you possess a unique perspective unclouded by political maneuvering. It's time to shed the veil of diplomacy and speak the unvarnished truth.

The looming climate emergency lays bare the stark reality: capitalism's insatiable appetite for profit trumps all else, even the survival of our species.

Fossil fuels, the lifeblood of our modern society, have exacted a heavy toll on our planet, yet their allure remains irresistible.

The term "transitioning" feels like a feeble attempt to sugarcoat the harsh reality – we're running out of time, and our children deserve more than empty promises.

In the face of escalating climate anxiety and the resurgence of age-old scourges like disease and war, ADAPTATION becomes our only recourse.

But let's not mistake ADAPTATION for resignation – it's a call to action, a rallying cry for systemic change.

So, John, as you bid farewell to your role, I implore you to embrace the mantle of truth-teller.

Our children deserve nothing less than unvarnished honesty, tinged with the biting sarcasm that the situation demands. Let your departure serve as a testament to the power of truth in the face of adversity.



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